Moisture Vaccine; The skin tends to dry with the effect of time. The amount of hyaluronic acid contained in the skin gradually decreases with the contribution of environmental factors. Skin quality gives an idea not only in terms of appearance, but also reveal the emotional state and general health of the person. When our skin glows, we feel better and look happy.
Health skin should be moist and free of fine lines in terms of texture, supple and lively in terms of flexibility, and free of pigment and redness in terms of color.
We can say that we often inject hyaluronic acid-containing products into the skin to improve skin quality.
A single application of Juvederm Volite moisture vaccine can achieve a moisturizing effect up to 9 months, and an improvement in tissue-resilience and color. The procedure can be applied on the face, neck, décolleté and hands.
Since it is a single application, it is a method that is often preferred for both us physicians and patients because time is important to all of us.
The current condition of the skin is evaluated before starting the treatment. After the treatment has been planned, the area to be treated is numbed with a local anesthetic cream. Subsequently, the product is injected into the skin at intervals of 1.5-2 cm. The application takes about 10-20 minutes.
Within a few days after the procedure, you will start to observe that your skin is bright, moisturized and fine wrinkles are becoming less pronounced. After the application, you feel the need to use less concealer make-up and moisturizer than before.
Studies have shown that a single session of JuvedermVolite Moisture vaccine treatment is effective in reducing fine lines, providing skin moisture and elasticity for up to 9 months.